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Wilmington  Rhinoplasty

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Wilmington Rhinoplasty FAQ

Wilmington Rhinoplasty

What is Rhinoplasty?


Rhinoplasty is the cosmetic surgery of the nose. This procedure aims to modify the shape of the nasal pyramid (either partially or completely) and can also if necessary correct nasal breathing problems. The result should be a nose in harmony with the facial features, and which corresponds to the personality and expectations of the patient. The technique uses incisions hidden inside the nostrils and remodels the bone and cartilage which give each nose its distinctive shape. The skin covering these elements will be re-draped and will adapt to the new nose. This point shows the importance of the quality of the skin for the final result which is obtained with no visible scar. This procedure carried out both for men and women, can be done from the age of 16, when growth is complete.

This operation is usually performed under general anesthesia be preferable. The nose may be made smaller or straightened, a bump removed, the tip may be redefined, the septum may be straightened or the nostrils reduced in size. In some cases a cartilage or bone graft will be used to fill a hollow zone, to support part of the nose or redefine the tip. Sutures: The incisions are closed with fine sutures, usually dissolving ones. Dressings and splints: The nostrils are packed with gauze. An external dressing of tape is applied then a splint of plaster, plastic or metal is molded and fixed to the nose, this can sometimes extend to the forehead. The operation can take between 45 minutes and 2 hours depending on the specific requirements and complexity of the case.

The nasal pack makes it impossible to breathe through the nose which is a problem for the first few days. Swelling can be observed around the eyelids with bruising which is variable in degree and duration for each patient. During the first few days rest is advised, with no physical strain. The pack is removed 2 to 5 days after the procedure. The splint is removed 5 to 8 days after surgery, to be replaced by a smaller splint for a few more days. The nose will appear bigger because of swelling and it will still be difficult to breathe because of swelling of the lining of the nose and possible scabs in the nostrils. The visible signs of the operation will disappear gradually and a return to normal social and professional life is possible after 10 to 20 days. Sport and strenuous exercise should be avoided for 3 months

How long does it take to recover from rhinoplasty?


I would suggest 3 different recovery milestones

  1. The surgery itself takes place within 1 day. You can generally go home 2-3 hours after the surgery – so no overnight stays.

  2. Once you are home, you will keep the splint and stitches on for the following 5-7 days. Once removed, it is optional to wear makeup and return to normal – extraneous activity. (obviously this will vary case by case).

  3. And if there is any bruising or swelling, those are usually noticed within the first 2-3 days after the surgery and can persist for around 2-3 weeks. Congestion is a common side effect during this time.

    1. PRO Tip: A humidifier in your bedroom and frequent drinking of water will help control congestion issues.

Learn More About Wilmington Rhinoplasty

rhinoplasty surgery cost wilmington TIPS...

1. Keep the Swelling Down

Using a flexible ice pack or cooling pad to reduce the swelling can help to alleviate pressure and puffiness around the treated area. This is especially important within the first few days after the surgery. The cold will restrict blood flow to the area and reduce swelling as well as allowing your nose to heal more quickly.

2. Stay away from anti-inflammatory medication unless it is specifically prescribed

Anti-inflammatory medication can cause swelling and increased blood flow which could lead to bleeding or a slowed recovery. Discuss the use of anti-inflammatory medication with our surgeon before taking any of these medications during the recovery period.

3. Do not take painkillers or other medications without approval from your surgeon.

You will experience some pain and discomfort during the first few weeks, especially during the first week after surgery. Painkillers or other medications will be prescribed to you or recommended to reduce the amount of discomfort experienced post-op. The dosages and medications will be specific so that they do not interfere with your recovery or cause any adverse reactions that would hinder the healing process

4. Take time off to rest and recover

After the surgery your body will need to focus its energy on healing, so the less strenuous activity the better. This also means avoiding sports or activities where bumping your nose could occur. The point is to let your nose heal and recover and to prevent any stress or injury during the healing process.

5. Plan ahead for your recovery

Walking helps to gently increase circulation throughout your body, helping fluid to move and your nose to heal. Getting out and walking can also help to reduce stress while preventing swelling or fluid building up in your body. Increased breathing and slightly increased heart rate will help get oxygen flowing in your body which aids in the healing process.

6. Get outside and take a walk

Walking helps to gently increase circulation throughout your body, helping fluid to move and your nose to heal. Getting out and walking can also help to reduce stress while preventing swelling or fluid building up in your body. Increased breathing and slightly increased heart rate will help get oxygen flowing in your body which aids in the healing process.

7. Take a bath instead of a shower

Bandages, splints and supports placed in and around your nose after a rhinoplasty should not get wet. Bathing instead of showering makes it easier to prevent your bandages from becoming wet. Also washing your face with a damp cloth around the bandages can help to keep your face outside of the bandages fresh. Bandages should be off around the first week after the procedure, so this routine won’t have to continue too long.

8. Eat healthy and drink plenty of water

Eating healthy and drinking water will help your body heal faster and feel better sooner. Good nutrition gives your body what it needs to repair and heal. Water speeds recovery by flushing out the toxins from anesthetics as well as reducing the likelihood of infection. Water allows nutrients and oxygen to be delivered to tissues and drainage of the wound to occur properly.

9. Avoid blowing your nose

If the inside of the nose is being supported by structures placed by the surgeon, then blowing your nose could cause them to shift or dislodge. This could potentially injure the inside of the nose or compromise the healing process. Blowing could also cause your nose to become more irritated. Wiping or dabbing your nose if there is drainage is fine as long as it is delicate.

10. Stay away from peppery and spicy foods

To avoid irritation of your nose and sinuses it is best to avoid peppery or spicy foods. Spicy food can cause your blood vessels to dilate and will increase swelling and bruising in the early stages of healing. By avoiding spicy foods, you can prevent your nose from swelling or running or just becoming irritated in general.

11. Lower your salt intake and avoid salty foods

Salt will increase your blood pressure which will increase any swelling and pressure around the surgical site. To minimize the discomfort associated with swelling, it is best to avoid eating salty foods or adding salt to food.

12. Post-op appointments are important

You will be scheduled for appointments with Dr. Torkian after the surgery to follow up on the procedure and to ensure that you are recovering well. These appointments make sure that everything is proceeding as it should, and that bandages and splints are removed properly or replaced if necessary.

13. Get plenty of rest and keep your head elevated

Rest will allow your body to heal faster and sleeping or resting with your head supported and elevated will prevent your nose and the surrounding area from swelling. Keeping your head above your body will keep fluid from building up around the surgical site and face. Rest, as well, allows your body to spend its energy on the task of recovery rather than on other activities.

14. Follow all the post-op instructions given to you by your doctor.

These tips sourced from Quora.

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CONTACT Rhinoplasty Wilmington

Rhinoplasty Wilmington

3916 Oleander Drive
Wilmington North Carolina 28403

E: [email protected]
P: 919-646-3412

Ready to improve the way you look and feel? Call or email us now to schedule a free consultation.

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